ARM(Advanced RISC Machines)是微处理器行业的一家知名企业,设计了大量高性能、廉价、耗能低的RISC处理器、相关技术及软件。技术具有性能高、成本低和能耗省的特点。适用于多种领域,比如嵌入控制、消费/教育类多媒体、DSP和移动式应用等。
ARM 公司是专门从事基于RISC 技术芯片设计开发的公司,作为知识产权供应商,本身不直接从事芯片生产,靠转让设计许可由合作公司生产各具特色的芯片,世界各大半导体生产商从ARM公司购买其设计的ARM 微处理器核,根据各自不同的应用领域,加入适当的外围电路,从而形成自己的ARM 微处理器芯片进入市场。目前,全世界有几十家大的半导体公司都使用ARM 公司的授权,因此既使得ARM 技术获得更多的第三方工具、制造、软件的支持,又使整个系统成本降低,使产品更容易进入市场被消费者所接受,更具有竞争力。
ARM商品模式的强大之处在于它在世界范围有超过100个的合作伙伴(Partners)。ARM 是设计公司,本身不生产芯片。采用转让许可证制度,由合作伙伴生产芯片。
ARM® technology is at the heart of a computing and connectivity revolution that is transforming the way people live and businesses operate. Every day more than 40 million ARM-based chips are shipped by our partners into products that enhance the human experience; connecting people, improving lives and making the impossible possible. From the sensor to the cloud and all points in between, ARM is shaping the smart connected world.
Our advanced processor designs have provided the intelligence in 86 billion silicon chips now powering products from smartphones to supercomputers, medical devices to agricultural sensors and base stations to servers. With thousands of technology partners including the world’s most famous business and consumer brands, we collaborate to drive innovation into all areas compute is possible.
Company highlights
- The world’s leading semiconductor IP company founded in 1990
- ARM technologies reach 80% of the global population
- More than 4,200 people from 61 nationalities in Europe, North America, Asia Pacific
- Our silicon partners ship nearly four billion ARM technology-based chips every quarter
- More than 86 billion ARM-based chips shipped to date (14.9bn 2015 and 12.1bn in 2014)
- 1,379 licenses sold to more than 450 partners
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